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Value Engineering in Manufacturing

Our dedicated team of experts reviews every step of your project to make sure you receive the maximum value.

What is Value Engineering for Manufacturers?

Value engineering focuses on maximizing the value of a product, project, or process while minimizing its cost, without compromising on its quality, performance, and safety. With our team of in-house engineers, we are able to identify, analyze, and improve the value of a particular product or project to make it more efficient, effective, and affordable.

Use cases for value engineering for manufacturers include: product design and materials selection, manufacturing process optimization, and supply chain optimization.

The Benefits of Value Engineering for Manufacturers

There are many project and product benefits to using a value-engineering method, such as:

The Value Engineering Process for Manufacturers

The process of value engineering is not a one-time service, but a cycle of improvement over time. It is embedded in how Tusco approaches every project, every time. Because we offer end-to-end solutions, we see the whole picture for your project from the outset, which allows our team of experts to offer their insights for every step of the project.

Our process includes:

Identifying Opportunities for Improvement

  • Identifying Cost Drivers
  • Identifying Quality Issues
  • Identifying Customer Needs

Analysis and Evaluation

  • Analyzing Existing Processes
  • Identifying Alternative Methods
  • Costs and Benefits Analysis

Implementation and Follow-Up

  • Developing Implementation Plans
  • Measuring and Analyzing Results
  • Continuous Improvement